Body Language and Feelings: How to Avoid the Ever-Common First Date Jitters

First dates can be extremely nerve-wracking, causing many folks – both men and women - to act unlike themselves. They may act more nervous and unsure. And, it’s this kind of behavior that often puts people on edge. Remember though, first dates are designed for people to learn whether or not they’re compatible with each other. How can you do that if you’re making mistakes? To avoid making the wrong impression, you need to understand what common body language mistakes people often make.  For example:

·         Nodding Excessively - Nodding excessively tells a date that you’re really not listening or just want to start talking again. While a little nodding is good during the conversation, you should keep it down as much as possible. 1

·         Passionate Eye Contact - You must have eye contact during a first date but you don’t want to overdo it. You certainly don’t want your date to feel uncomfortable or feel like you’re scrutinizing her.  This can turn your date off and make him/her start running for the hills. 1

·         Crossing Arms - You might think that crossing your arms is fine but doing so on a first date gives them the impression that you’re closed off. You want your date to feel comfortable about you and the date.  What you want to show him/her is that you are more than willing to talk about them, their interests and you and your interests.  1

Yes, it’s good to know the common mistakes people make when on a first date. But, being aware of them isn’t enough. How many times have you gone on a first date and did something you weren’t comfortable doing? Well, did you know that being uncomfortable is one of the biggest reasons people make these first date mistakes?

Here are some things to remember about first dates:

- Your date is nervous too
- Try to relax and be who you are
- It’s just another night
- Having an activity provides a nice “distraction”

When you’re on a date with someone - enjoying something that the both of you like - you don’t have time to worry with your body language. So, when discussing what to do for a first date, do something both of you would enjoy doing. Do you both like to bowl? What about going to the movies? Do you both have a thing for sports or exercise?

When you’re enjoying these “outings” together, your natural body language will shine through. You don’t have to worry with being self-conscious. Rather, you’ll have time to enjoy the person you are with and learn whether or not the two of you are truly compatible.

When you’re doing online dating, it can be difficult to find people who have similar interests as you…especially for first dates. is a new online dating website that allows people – men and women – to approach dating in a different manner. Rather than interviewing tons of people or filling out a long, detailed profile, you can simply post information about a date (what, when and where), get replies to your date and choose the person that most interest you to go on that date with. not only simplifies the process of getting a date, it brings two people together via a common interest, and it initiates an ideal first date environment where the two people can be themselves and avoid those common first date mistakes. 

Even better, right now is FREE for 1 year.2  Don’t wait, sign up and post a date.  Now that you know how to avoid the first date jitters, go out and enjoy your dates!     

Written by Susan.  Edited by Dao.
July 3, 2012

2 One year FREE membership for the first 1,000 users on