Guys, How to Get a Date

by a guest writer

Trying to figure out the easy way to get a date? You’re probably like most guys and struggling to get a date. It seems like you just can’t win right? No matter what you do on the dates you go on theу just don’t seem to work out right for you.
You get dressed up, put on some nice cologne and try your best to impress the girl you meet at the fancy restaurant. You think everything is going to work out fine but once you impress her, she expects this all the time. You show up without your best clothes on and she thinks you’re a bum! Now no matter how hard you try she doesn’t seem interested in you because she expects the best out of you 100% of the time, how can you live up to that?
On other dates you try to be polite to her and say the right things but this doesn’t work out either. She doesn’t take you seriously or she treats you like dirt. What exactly do these women want anyways? You give her compliments and she things all you want is to take her to bed! All you’re trying to do is tell her she looks nice…
So there you have it. This sounds so typical of most dates and it’s a source of huge frustration for most men who try to date. You try and try again and nothing happens with the girl. What if you didn’t have to try at all? What if you were just, well you?
Imaging going on dates where you could both just relax and be who you arе in real life? Who needs to get dressed up and pretend to be something you aren’t? All we want to do is relax, have fun and get to know someone. Well, you can do that with
What is How About a Date?
This site allows you to date people in a relaxed setting. No pressure, no hassle, and no trying to impress someone. What you want are activities where you can both be who you truly are. Think hiking, swimming, camping, skiing, movies, playing sports, and shopping. Dating should be fun; it’s not a job interview!
Yes, dating should be fun, not a competition to see who can impress the girl the most. This doesn’t let your natural personality out. This is a false impression of the real person inside of you. How can you be who you are when you’re so nervous about impressing a girl?
Forget the ties, and suits, the shiny dress shoes; it’s a date, not work or a wedding reception. When you relax you can be who you are in real life. This allows your natural personality to come out, your humor, your charm, and that’s attractive to someone, because it’s real. allows you to do that.  So join us, relax and meet someone special today. No hassles, no impressions are needed, just be you, and let the magic happen.