How Disney and Playboy Keeps Us Single

Dating can be difficult! We learn a lot of about the dating scene and how to do it through media and other social outlets. All in all we're highly influenced by what we see, read, or hear regarding dating and what works and what does not. We even go into most dates with certain expectations and make judgments before the first conversation. It's interesting to take a step back and think about what influences our dating habits the most.

As kids we watch a lot of movies and TV that incorporate the “happily ever after” ending which we all so desire and find hard to acquire. Disney has done a great job of encouraging women to work hard and do what their heart tells them because their prince charming is out there waiting and looking for them. Now ladies, I'm not saying you can't live happily ever after or find your prince (I mean, I'm over here with an army of toads waiting for the right kiss), but I want to point out the fact that Disney has instilled this belief that you shouldn't ever change/settle and just keep waiting, looking and working hard until he comes to you.
On the other hand we have men being influenced by their dirty little secret – Playboy, who has done a great job of showing us what we should be looking for in a woman and there's no reason to settle for less. I mean come on, they can fill a whole magazine on a monthly basis with these women, it can't be that hard to find them. We see these sculpted bodies and beautiful curves and forget what is really important. Through these influences, men are encouraged to be a little more aggressive, confrontational, and direct in order to find their trophy wife.

The takeaway is that we're all affected by media and movies and it's important to get away from those preconceived ideas that have been forced into our minds over the years. Instead of going into a date with a preconceived notion of “the one”, take the time to get to know the person and give them a chance. Accept them for who they are, the good and the bad, their strengths and weaknesses (we're only human after all). They may surprise you.
As one of my favorite sport coaches used to tell us, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Happy Dating!

Arthur G. Bahr, guest blogger