Date & a Drink - Does Your Drink Selection Matter?

Does it matter what type of drink you get on a first date?  While it's never good to judge people before getting to know them better, what drink you order could say a lot about you.  It's common that people make basic stereotypes based off drink selection, whether it be a glass of wine, a shot or Jameson, or even just a soda.

These generalizations are simply generalizations, but it's always good to be conscious of what vibe you're putting out at the bar.

Bud Light or light beer - Almost certainly a sports fan and love hanging with the guys on a Sunday afternoon.

Vodka Cran/Soda - Always a crowd favorite and a safe bet if you're not sure what you're getting yourself into but want to fit in.

Micro Brews - Knowledgeable about your beers and looking to enjoy a fun night.

White Wine - Probably a women, trying to relax and typically a little wound up.

Red Wine - You're either women or male looking to relax and enjoy a good meal.

Whiskey - You're a boss.

Martini - Classy and looking for a fun time. (might as well be screaming "TALK TO ME!")

Vodka on the Rocks - Why? ...

Jager - You're reminiscing on the good times with your friends in college.

Fireball - You're looking to get the party started or keep the party going but you're not into something that'll make you cringe.

Old-fashioned - Business comes first but you know how to enjoy life.

Margarita - Life's a party.

PBR- Sophisticated, simple, and looking for the cheapest beer at the bar.

Tequila shot - Trying to forget it all.

Long Island / AMF / Tokyo Tea - Trying to get drunk asap for sex or forgetfulness.

Gin & Tonic - Probably the DD.

Champagne - Time to celebrate!

Soda - Just there to observe or chaperone.

I hope these help a little as to what some common generalizations are with certain drinks.  Keep in mind it can always depend on the venue and atmosphere as well.  I'd recommend to usually go for the house cocktails if you're looking to try something new and keep up an anonymous appearance!

Arthur G. Bahr
Social Instigator for... 
Do what you love... and love will find you