Dancing Past the Details...

Women are their own worst enemies when it comes to men.  We assess, examine, evaluate, and totally miss the most important things. We pursue relationships, not friendships, and most guys don’t stand a snowball’s chance of making the cut.  The end of 2012 found me at the bottom of the ladder: alone in a strange city, unemployed and broke, and I was so glad to see 2012 go.  

I went with a couple of girlfriends to a redneck bar intending to get drunk and dance alone.  I looked up and discovered a nice smile wanting to dance with me.  My date was the music so I didn’t pay much attention to his appearance except to notice his long hair.  I liked the way he moved.  He was smooth and steady with a great sense of rhythm. We danced for hours.  

Even though he was drinking he was in check, keeping a nice distance, not getting handsy.  I fell off my shoes and he laughed as he caught me. He was respectful and attentive and I felt totally comfortable in his presence, before we’d even said a handful of words to each other.  Later I found out the unimportant details, but I already knew from the dance floor that he was confident with a good streak of humility; could cut loose and still be well mannered; and wasn’t afraid to give a stranger his undivided attention.  

When we finally talked, He told me he drove a truck for a living, in a tone like he was confessing a crime.  He was surprised when I said I didn’t choose my friends by their occupation.  I wasn’t worried, because I already knew he was a decent guy.  For an hour we finished each others' sentences as we discovered we loved the same places, had read the same books, had the same hobbies.   

We’ve seen each other several times since then, and 2013 is off to a great start!  I’m sure glad we didn’t meet at the bar, because I would not have looked twice at him.  I would have assessed, examined and evaluated. Lucky for me we became friends on the dance floor.

Guest Blogger for HowAboutADate.com