Dating Tips for Ladies

We know dating can be hard, but there are many ways to make the process as simple as possible. Here are some key dating tips to keep in mind:

1) Make a list of attributes you look for in a potential mate. Knowing what you want is vital and incredibly sexy, so write down a list of key qualities that you appreciate and narrow it down to 10. 150 qualities is a bit too specific/unrealistic ;P
2) Relax. If you feel like you meet many men and have given out your number and have somehow not been called back, don't sweat it. Instead of stressing over it and wondering why, move on. Save yourself the grief and know that there are bigger and better things waiting out there for you.
3) Maintain your own identity. Never lose yourself. Think you've met the guy of your dreams but you'd have to sacrifice your former life to be with him? Not good. Maintaining your sense of self, keeping friendships, and maintaining your passions in life assure balance- thus making you more desirable.
4) Trust your intuition. If someone is making you feel uneasy or if you're getting a feeling in your gut that something isn't quite right, TRUST IT. Keep your eyes open and listen to your inner self. You are usually right about these things.
5) Acceptance. Don't look for people that you think you can "change". You aren't supposed to be a counselor for someone and you cannot change a person. If you can't accept some trait or habit in someone, it's time to think about whether this person is actually right for you.
6) "I complete me" vs. "You complete me". Many people go around jumping from one relationship to the next because they feel really uncomfortable with the idea of being alone with themselves. This is terrible. What is wonderful is to be comfortable, confident and happy on your own before you embark on a relationship. You must learn to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.  You mustn't let anyone else dictate your happiness.
7) Don't Assume Anything. Ask questions, and don't make assumptions about the relationship without any real answers. Don't be afraid to express what you are looking for.
8) Ditch your Comfort Zone. Try something new. We all grow from trying the things that we have been afraid of doing.
9) DO NOT SETTLE. If you are starting to feel a little stressed that Mr. Right has not come along yet, do not settle for second best. In the end, you will be much happier being single than wasting time with the wrong person.

Keep these dating tips in mind and join How About A Date to find fellow singles who are ready to mingle. We are a website that focuses on activity based dating rather than searching for a soulmate immediately (as that is incredibly unrealistic). We focus on solidarity in being single and want you to find someone in doing what you love whether it's hiking, going to your favorite museum on a Saturday or at a happy hour at one of your favorite bars.

You never know who you'll meet.