Get Out There & Mingle!

"Being single does not mean no one wants you... it just means that God is busy writing your love story."

Let's face it. Being single can be incredibly difficult on the heart and completely isolating. You see people holding hands, you cringe. You are forced into awkward third wheel situations because it seems as though everyone seems to have a special someone but you. Yes, even the most annoying friend that you've got is posting pictures from her vacation in Hawaii with her "hubby"...

Don't just sit there, do something about it!

So many people have the notion the love should be left to fate, which is unrealistic. Fate is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power." If you haven't watched the movie 500 Days of Summer, you should watch it NOW. Relying on fate is an excuse to not live your life in the now. Relying on the supernatural to save your love life will get you nowhere. "You can't ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence, that's all anything ever is, nothing more than coincidence... there are no miracles. There's no such thing as fate, nothing is meant to be."

Instead of relying on fate to be your answer, grab a hold of your life and move forward with it in your own hands. You have absolutely nothing to lose. If you see someone you'd like to talk to, talk to them. The worst thing that could happen is that they turn you down, and you can move forward learning from that experience. To quote Fight Club, "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." Why waste time sulking or fret about being too afraid to speak up? A simple smile can make all the difference in starting a conversation. For women, you can forgo aggression all together and use nonverbal cues (such as eye contact/body language) to show interest. If the guy doesn't get it, starting a functional conversation (such as "How was your week?" or "Have you seen any good movies lately?") can get the conversation started without it being too seemingly awkward. For men, don't be afraid to be bold. You can do this. Focus on making her laugh. offers the perfect environment for singles to mingle with other fellow singles in a friendly, open environment with no pressure whatsoever. We set up group events weekly at places such as bars for happy hours, art galleries and museums, and delicious restaurants all in the Bay Area. We don't force you to pinpoint a specific person to talk to and take out on a date, but focus on introducing you to a variety of different people that you could potentially form connections with (friendly or romantic). We aim to provide an outlet for you to sharpen up your social skills. We want you to do what you love, and to naturally shine in doing what you love. When one is happy with themselves, it shows, and there is a glow that they radiate to the world.

Simply put, we want to provide the tools to get ya shinin'.