Attraction through Passion
In our latest blog post we encouraged you to get out and date instead of waiting on fate. This post will focus on ways to make you more attractive and desirable.
“What matters most is how you see yourself”

Attitude: Having a positive attitude is one of the most important things in life and in dating. If you’re always looking at the negative side of things you’re already limiting your capabilities. Trying new things and meeting new people is always a rewarding experience and others are always attracted to positive and uplifting individuals.
Honesty & Confidence: Being honest to yourself and those around you can be challenging at times. Media has skewed our perception of what is attractive and it’s impossible to fit the image Hollywood has portrayed. Being honest to yourself and confident are two things that attract people to you and help you live a more satisfied and rewarding life.
Passion: When you’re having fun and doing something you’re passionate about is when you’re personality shines the most. Find out what your passions are and do those things. Don’t let others bring you down or convince you otherwise, you are youwhen you’re having fun and that’s when you’ll meet the people most important to you.
We strive to highlight these areas on We don’t want to force you into a high pressure interview or match you up with anyone. Our goal is for you to have fun, be positive, be open to new things, be confident, and be honest to yourself. When you’re doing something you’re truly passionate about is when people are most attracted to you. So stop being “Negative Nancy” and start attracting those around you!
Life is so much more rewarding when you’re doing what you love. And at the same time, you’re harnessing the laws of attraction too!