Importance of Communication

Communication isn't always as simple as a conversation.  There are tons of different types of nonverbal communication which consist of your attire, body language, word selection, and more.  Throughout my time in San Francisco and other cities I've learned that lots of people communicate in different ways.  Some people are more verbal, some more visual, and some just think everyone is telepathic.  Regardless, it’s important to be able to define what type of communication you use and what type the person across from you uses. 

If you want to start and maintain a positive conversation with someone, it’s vital that you show positive body language and begin the conversation in an appropriate manner.  Most people lose track of the conversation and begin to talk heavily about themselves.  The most important thing to do is to find common ground, something that connects you to this other person and use that as an anchor.  Being able to relate to someone, especially if the topic is unique, can be the biggest motivator in a conversation. 

You have to listen!  People tend to ask questions that they want to be asked.  When someone asks if you have any siblings, it’s a good bet that they want you to ask the same question and they probably have a unique situation to tell you about or a good story.  If someone mentions that they love their career, it’s probably a good idea to ask more about their career and why they are passionate about it.  They will enjoy explaining it to you and they will be excited to know that you’re interested. 

Online conversation can be essential to actually meeting up.  It’s important to get back to people in a timely manner and with an appropriate response.  Try to avoid being extremely vague, but don’t get too personal.  It’s good to get to know each other a little more before diving into an awkward situation.  Try to avoid pressuring the person into anything and don't make them feel obligated to meet up, make them want to meet up!

Communication can make or break a friendship or relationship.  Life will be very difficult and frustrating if you can’t communicate correctly.  On top of communication is timing.  It’s important to know what to say when and where.  The old cliché is talking about your ex on your first outing with a new date.  That’s always a sure way to ruin your chances of a second date, of course sometimes it isn't accidental.
I hope this information is beneficial for you and I hope that you now understand the importance of knowing how to communicate properly.

I'm looking forward to seeing you communicate on and would love to see you in action at one of our meetups!

Arthur G. Bahr
Social Instigator for...

Do what you love... and love will find you