Wingmen & Wingwomen

"A wingman (alt. wing-man) is one person who assists another in social interactions by providing psychological support, often linked by a close friendship. The word is mostly used to describe the role one person had in facilitating another's success with women during the course of any public gathering (bars, gyms, streets)." - WikiHow

Assess the situation - It's important to analyze the situation, find out if the girls/guys are with someone or if they're alone.  See if your friend is really going to need help with introductions or if they will be able to handle it on their own.  Different venues and scenarios can lead to different conversations, it's important to recognize what topics and approach will be appropriate.

Introduction or conversation starter - Now that you've analyzed the situation it's time to break the ice.  Starting the conversation off correctly is a big deal; first impressions are very important and you have to remember that it is your friend that you're trying to make look good!  Use good and interesting topics to get the guys/girls talking and try to relate their interests or hobbies back to something similar about your friend.  Try to avoid talking about you and redirect things towards your friend.

Talk your friend up - The situation has been assessed and the conversation has begun.  Now it's time to use good and interesting topics to get the girls/guys more comfortable about talking.  Try to relate their interests or hobbies back to something similar about your friend.  Try to avoid talking about you and redirect things towards your friend.  Try to stagger the conversation a little; don't redirect every little thing they say back to your friend.

Give them some alone time - If they have a friend with them now would be the time to move them and yourself out of the conversation.  Try to be subtle so that the girl/guy that your friend is interested in doesn't feel uncomfortable.  Typically women have a signal of sorts that indicates if they want their friends to stay around or not during these situations.  If you haven't been entertaining the friend throughout the conversation they may stick around and be selfish.  

It's important to not steal the show when leading the conversations but don't turn anyone off either.  You want to seem normal compared to your amazing friend. 

Here is a video that I found that shows some good and bad wingman scenarios. 

Now that you have some knowledge in being a successful wingman or wingwoman it's time to build some experience.  My final advice is to analyze why failed attempts happen.  You will have some awkward moments and some let downs, the trick is being able to figure out what went wrong (and if it even had anything to do with you!) and correcting the problem in the future.

Arthur G. Bahr
Social Instigator for...

Do what you love... and love will find you